Saturday, May 24, 2014


Hello! Welcome to Sandy Shores Farm. As a gift to our mother for mother's day, my brother Dan and I pooled our resources to build her a 'farm' here in the city. I've been working towards one day having some acreage to call home, and she knew she'd be welcome to come stay on the farm. It was always a dream of hers to see it come together. Knowing it's a little far down the road, I decided to start urban farming food and flowers so that she can come over for tea and sit in the garden.

Last year was our first year in this location. We had a small plot planted as a kitchen garden, and way in the back a perennial berry and flower bed was prepared. My partner and I grew many vegetables and herbs, and my mother's favourite was the fresh tomatoes. We'd bring her a bag a week when they were in season, and she enjoyed every one. Toasted tomato sandwiches were her favourite!

We decided that this year [2014], since we'd finally have a vehicle to go and pick her up, we'd expand the garden and put a nice path in so that she could enjoy the country-like setting and get out of the house. Unfortunately, the finished path and garden were to be a part of her mother's day surprise, and we never got to show her the end result. We finally came up with a name for the 'farm' just in time... Sandy Shores.

In dedication to our mother who loved to garden, and always dreamed of one day living out in the country. She shall live on in our hearts and in our memories. In dedication to mothers and the motherly everywhere. Be good to one another, love yourself, take care.


check back weekly for updates on the farm!



Sandy Shores Farm has finally found a home in the Upper Fraser Valley of British Columbia. After much soul searching and getting a feel for the land, a perfect little plot appeared to us in January 2017. Our first season here was a huge success! Stay tuned for blog updates in the off-season, as our spring and summer was very busy. Thanks for reading! 

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